Designs & Graphics

Below is my experience in content and presentation design. I excel at working with personal brands to concisely tell their story in a digestible format. The below content were created utilizing Adobe Photoshop & Indesign. The presentations were created with Keynote, Google Slides, and Microsoft Powerpoint. 



Brand Consulting  & Deck design

Sukoon Active Brand + Paid Social Strategy

Sukoon Active one of the first active hijab company in the market approached me to consult their brand positioning, strategy and paid content strategy. This was the proposed strategy for the young brand to grow their sales and followers on social.


Evolve Media Sales Assets

Sales materials for the media company's offering within their owned and operated websites for male millennials.


WellWell Brand Strategy Deck

This brand pitch deck that I put together for investor pitch meetings and ambassador onboarding that gives an overall marketing strategy of the recovery juice. 

As WellWell is a juice that was redefining "recovery" food sector with 4 simple ingredients, the deck was designed with threader the brand values. 


Joe Holder Personal Deck

As a personal trainer, Joe wanted to take the next step in sending a deck to his future clients, media partners, and brands to elevate his brand and profession. I utilized a blue overlay, which were colors from his logo and created a visual brand and introduction presentation for the NYC-based trainer.


Lokai x Trip Advisor Partnership Deck

Lokai, the Gen Z jewelry company and non-profit, was approached by TripAdvisor to craft a program and charitable activity together. The deck presented brand information, partnership ideas as well as potential executions of the partnership - which included a custom bracelet to give back to the refugee crisis. The custom bracelet idea came into fruition Nov 2017.


MuckRack (Sawhorse Media) Sales Deck

MuckRack, a social platform that allows you to search for press mentions and more on the web, needed to unify their sales deck that they sent to their potential clients/leads. I helped to refresh, streamline, and unify their sales deck for their Q3/Q4 season.


Personal Portfolio Deck for Nike

I wanted to present my unique POV on the fitness landscape in NYC as well as showcase my presentation chops to my future employers. I utilized black and neon ("volt" as Nike folks call it) to give it a Nike brand treatment to showcase how I would be a good fit for the company.





Nike Internal Infographic Design

Throughout my time at Nike - I was tasked with one off graphic projects to make custom for internal and special projects (non-consumer facing). The three that you see were crafted to send to our college ambassadors, a run-tracking worksheet for an influencer, and consumer insights for the North American team.


Cambio 1 Million FB Follower Graphics

After AOL's only millennial brand, Cambio hit their 1M FB Followers back in 2014, we crafted an internal graphic to share internally to celebrate the moment as well as a consumer facing graphic to thank our followers for helping us get to a million. 

The first one you see is the internal graphic, the latter two were shared on social.


AOL/AIM Social Graphic Creation

Created shared social graphics to share for AIM and AOL's main FB accounts back in 2013.

They were crafted with AIM's creative direction in mind and kept a light hearted approach to post on key dates/holidays. FB Header banners were also crafted.

For AOL's content, I created graphics for AOL's FB Apps to launch our AOL mobile app and advertiser voting platforms.


COTE Korean Steakhouse

Create content for the group while undergoing structural and cultural changes due to COVID-19