Good Thing x Jasper Morrison - Soap Launch (freelance)

Good Thing x Jasper Morrison - Soap Launch (freelance)


Task: Assist the 4 year-old Home Goods and Furniture company to be more strategic with the e-commerce launch and positioning plan. Advised to steer away from the multiple season product launch to a strategic and specialized launch with one of their first 2018 items, Soap (colorless and fragrance-free soap bars) in order to garner press, awareness, and allow for more time for brand storytelling.



  • First ever successful pre-launch campaign - garnering 40+ pre-orders upon early launch

  • Strategic influencer seeding program to regenerate buzz closer to ship/launch date

  • Soap was the anchor product that drove sales during the pre-launch period - sustaining sales and attracting new customers

  • 15+ press coverages on relevant outlets (including Dezeen, Mashable, Core77, and more)

  • The launch IG imagery over pre-launch weekend was one of the highest engaged photo for the young company.

Add To Cart

Pre-Order Notification Button and New Site Design

  • Garnered new marketing leads as well as potential opportunity to garner more sales closer to ship out date. 
  • Resulted in 50 new email leads from the $29 soap bar launch


Instagram Story on Launch Day

A first type of storytelling method for the young brand.

Strategic Influencer Seeding & Press Coverage

  • Expanded traditional recipients of brand product recipients into a more inclusive group to broaden the product's reach once closer to ship out date for the product