Nike Original Show Series Margot vs Lily - Global Premiere

Nike Original Show Series Margot vs Lily - Global Premiere


Task: Launch Nike’s first ever web series that kicked off the global launch of the show that brought the digital show to life.

We spent weeks searching for the right venue, throughout New York City. We worked with our agency to creatively concept out the "Watch, Move, Shop" concept the video series encouraged into a IRL format at this space.

I also oversaw the seeding kit creation and distribution that were sent as invites to influencers and media to the premiere night's event. This comprised of me working with 3 different partners to feature their items in the kit (including Glossier, KIND bars, Trixxie). For distribution, in order to make it seamless and personalized as much as possible, I brokered a partnership with Postmates to deliver these items to the recipients when they wanted, where they wanted. 

Lastly onsite - I was the lead of managing the production flow of al the workouts and the run of show. Including management of product to all participating talent, ambassadors, and point of sale merchandise.


  • Produced an immersive event where it mirrored the web series’ “watch, move, shop” format. 

  • Consumers were taken through a viewing of the first episode, a workout, and shop in replica closets of the show’s characters.

  • To amplify reach, I fostered partnerships with local vendors (glossier, sweet green, kind bar) for a larger digital blitz

  • 2M social Impressions (@Nikewomen + @NIkeNYC)

  • 650 Nike+member participation

  • 15+ Publications covered the global launch of the show

#BTS Fact: This event was one of the most stressful moments of my life so far. A major snow storm and stresses all around thwarted our plans, but it resulted successful nonetheless.

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A recap video of the intricacies of the week long global launch event. Starting from a media preview-screening to a weekend long consumer workout experience in NYC.

A snapshot of the event executions and launch night.

Some of the press clippings of the weekend launch event.