Mashable x TBS - Search Party at SXSW

Mashable x TBS - Search Party at SXSW


Task: Create social-first promotional content with TV- Obsessed millennials to drive tune-ins for TBS’ Season 1 binge promotion beyond their SXSW execution


  • 5M social impressions on all content

  • 3x live social stories (Snapchat + ig)

  • 326K views of social stories

  • 2x branded articles + custom photography

  • 1500K shares of 2 articles (below)

#BTS Fact: The main character, Alia Shawcat, never participated in the social promotion as "she was not feeling it" that day

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The two articles that summarized the weekend's festivities at SXSW

Here are the three IG and Snapchat stories of the three day of activation that TBS and Mashable partnered to highlight