Uniqlo x New York Comic Con - Jason Polan Launch (Freelance)

Uniqlo x New York Comic Con - Jason Polan Launch (Freelance)


Task: Lead the marketing partnership between NYCC, UNIQLO, and NYC artist Jason Polan to craft exclusive and exciting products for a new market for UNIQLO (the fan boys of Comic Con).

The campaign consisted of an instore event, where NYCC exclusive tees were teased and promoted, and produced campaign assets with the artist himself for instore and digital usage.



  • Captured 41K+ new email leads through social and onsite marketing efforts

  • Hosted instore event in partnership with NYCC to raise brand awareness and potential early sales of One Piece UT collection

  • $200K in sale from the 4-day convention

  • 75 costume contest event attendees at UNIQLO 5th Ave Store

#BTS Fact: This was Jason's first ever judging experience

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The custom shoot with NYC artist Jason Polan - utilized instore, on UNIQLOUSA, Marvel USA's social and Polan's own. 

Shots of the artist

Instore presentation elements & instore event: 5th Ave Flagship UNIQLO store